Friday, June 24, 2016

About the Stage Production(s)

A few words about the stage production.

As with most Disney adaptations, pretty much everything you ever loved about the movie is there-- plus a bunch more. This show adds many songs. Eric gets some songs. Ursula gets another song. Flounder and Scuttle each get a song. The sisters of Ariel get their own feature number. And the characters who always sang now sing more.

The story has also been rewritten a bit, most notably rewriting the ending so that Ariel is not a bystander at the climax of her own story.

Also-- and for those of you who do research on the intertoobz, this is important-- The Litttle Mermaid has been turned into a stage production twice. The first production ran from 2007-2009, and that is what almost everything you'll find on line is from. The show underperformed and was mothballed in 2009, to be rewritten and tweaked and re-presented a couple years later, and that second version is the version that is now rented out. That's the one we're doing.

Notable differences between the two productions. Some songs were removed or replaced. Regrettably, Ursula's "extra" number from the first production ("Bring Back the Good Old Days") was replaced in the second version. The first version depended on heelies for most motion, with no flying. The second version goes with flying rather than wheels.

Most of the clips you find on youtube will be from the first version, which is mostly the same, but not exactly the same. Just so you know!


Here's the rundown of the roles available in this production: A few roles will fly, so you may want to factor in any fear of heights. Several roles are non-singing. Many roles in the show may also be doubled.

Note: While this is obviously not an adult content type of show, there are no children's roles in this show.

Spunky, sweet, charming, strained relationship with her father. Seven songs in the show. She's a mezzo-soprano; her top note is a strong, sustained fourth-space E. Ariel will fly.

More of an actual character than in the movie. Handsome and charming and trying to find his place in the world. Five songs. Needs a good solid fifth-line F. Eric flies.

Eric's stuffy old guardian. Has about a bar and a half of singing.

Ariel's close friend. Bubbly, cheery and naïve. Could be either gender. In the stage version, s/he has a song with the mer-sisters.

A seagull. Silly and given to speaking lots of nonsense. He has a song. Dance skills are a plus.

Windward and Leeward: Two assistants to King Triton. Speaking only.

King Triton:
Imperious ruler of the ocean and a concerned single dad. Three songs. Baritone.

Flotsam and Jetsam:
Ursula's henchpersons. Standard Disney evil henchmen and sidekicks. Three songs, including one by themselves.

Big, bold and brassy. She was originally modeled after a drag character, and I'm open to going that way for the right performer. She does fly a bit (maybe 8-9 feet off the deck).

Chef Louis:
Crazed French chef. He gets to sing Le Poisson. Needs an outrageous French accent.

Ariel's minder and the chief musician. Three songs. Needs a credible Jamaican accent


There's a main chorus of six females who play Ariel's sisters, the maids, and the princesses who come to sing (horribly) for the Prince's hand in marriage.

There's a men's chorus who double as sailors and chefs.

Scuttle has a batch of buddies who join him for one number, and that number includes some dancing.

And everybody who can fit in a costume is in "Under the Sea"

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. You can leave a message here, message me on facebook, or use my email which is pagreene at outlook followed by a dot and a com.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Auditions will be

Saturday, July 30 (2:00)
Sunday, July 31 (6:00)
Monday, August 1 (6:00)


Here's a placeholder until we're ready for our first post.