Friday, September 23, 2016


Saturday, Gus expects to be at the theater from about 9:30 to 1-ish. Much of the work will be of the painting variety, so arrangements could be made to work in the afternoon as well if you're available.

Sunday, orchestra rehearsal is from 2-4, and the tech run will begin at 6.

Starting Monday, the run will begin promptly at 7:30. Cast will meet for any final notes at 7:15.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

This Week (9/11)

This week we will try to smooth out each act, as well as start the magical flying process.

Note that while rehearsals will start at 6:00, they will run until we've done what we need to get done. Come prepared.

Monday, Sept 12  6:00
Act I
plus Le Poissons Chaos and Disorder

Tuesday, Sept 13 6:00
Act II

Wednesday, Sept 14 6:00
Act I

Thursday, Sept 15 6:00
Act II

Friday, Sept 16 6:00-9:00
Ursula, Ariel, Eric learn to fly

Saturday, Sept. 17 10:00-1:00
Ursula, Ariel, Eric, sailors, Flotsam and Jetsam

Sunday, Sept 18 1:00-4:00
Full run of the whole show with flying

Monday, September 5, 2016

Upcoming Stuff (9/5)

This week we start running the show. That means we shift gears from everyone coming in one or two nights a week depending on your part, and we're all working every night.

Tuesday (Sept 6):
Act 1 6:00-8:30

Wednesday (Sept 7):
Act 1 6:00-8:30

Thursday (Sept 8):
Act 2 6:00-8:30

Saturday (Sept 10):
Under the Sea
Kiss the Girl
She's in Love

Looking ahead-- please note that on Sunday Sept. 18 in the afternoon we will have a run (the first one with flying). Sunday Sept. 25 will be orchestra in the afternoon, and then full cast run with tech in the evening.