Sunday, September 11, 2016

This Week (9/11)

This week we will try to smooth out each act, as well as start the magical flying process.

Note that while rehearsals will start at 6:00, they will run until we've done what we need to get done. Come prepared.

Monday, Sept 12  6:00
Act I
plus Le Poissons Chaos and Disorder

Tuesday, Sept 13 6:00
Act II

Wednesday, Sept 14 6:00
Act I

Thursday, Sept 15 6:00
Act II

Friday, Sept 16 6:00-9:00
Ursula, Ariel, Eric learn to fly

Saturday, Sept. 17 10:00-1:00
Ursula, Ariel, Eric, sailors, Flotsam and Jetsam

Sunday, Sept 18 1:00-4:00
Full run of the whole show with flying

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